Use the word rather in a sentence

Rather: The word rather is used to show preference of the person in particular matter. There are several ways you can use rather. The word rather is used especially when you give preference on one thought to another. In simple word, you have decided something but now you changed your mind and want to do something else.


E: Would like to come with me or would you rather stay at home.

E: That’s rather a difficult book – here’s an easier one for you.

“What would you prefer” is similar to “what would you rather”.

The above sentences are used when the person wants to give two options to the others. Don’t use the “rather” to separate the sentences. Use would, have you or supporting words before “rather”.

It sounds similar the way you use the “Instead” to give the other opinion. Generally, it is used to give advice or ask what you exactly going to do or asking other what you prefer.

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